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Abbreviations or Acronyms for BBG include:
Bed & Breakfast Gauteng
Big Brother Gallery
BBG Music
Business Builders Group
Beats by Girls
BBG OCEAN, Bulk Carrier
BB Glow Shop
Belgian Blue Groep
Blue Bulls Group
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Baby Blood Group
Baby Girl
Badaracco Bash Guards
Barclays Bank of Ghana
Bare Board Group
Baruch Batah Gadonai
Battleship Battle Group
Bay of Bengal Gateway
Beach Buggy
Beasley Broadcast Group, Inc.
Beautiful Baby Girl
Bedrooms Bathrooms Garages
Beer Bites Games
Beitragsbemessungsgrenze (German: Income Threshold)
Bellevue Botanical Garden
Bergbau-Berufsgenossenschaft (German: Mining Trade Association)
Beta Beta Gamma
Big Bad Green
Big Bad Guy
Big Beautiful Girls
Big Breaks Guild
Bikini Body Guides
Billabong International Ltd
Birmingham Botanical Gardens
Black Books Galore
Bloc de Branche Gauche (French: Left Bundle Branch Block; cardiology)
Blue Badge Guide
B’nai Brith Girls
Body Builder’s Guide
Body By Ginny
Boing Boing Gadgets
Bootsbau Berlin, GmbH (German: Boatbuilding Berlin)
Bootstrap Button Generator
Brazilian Business Group
Breakthrough Business Growth
Brennan Beer Gorman
Brewster Boland Garage
Bright Bright Great
Broadband Gateway
Broadcasting Board of Governors
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Browser Based Game
Builders Buying Group
Built Buy Girls
Built By Gamers
Bun Burner Gold
Bundesbeamtengesetz (German: German Law)
Burkhead Brand Group
Business Banking Group
Business Benefits Group
Butaritari, Republic of Kiribati
Butler Burgher Group
Guided Missile Battleship
Branson Airport, Missouri
Potential uses of
BBG chemicals
BBG engineering
BBG group
BBG logistics
BBG africa
BBG construction
BBG developments
BBG law
BBG accountants
BBG associates
BBG agencies
BBG security
BBG tactical
BBG water
BBG marketing
BBG joinery
BBG visual
BBG productions
BBG therapy
BBG wholesalers
BBG sales
BBG solutions
BBG systems
BBG accommodation
BBG security
BBG business
BBG beauty salon
BBG coaching
BBG executive search
BBG capital
BBG aluminium
BBG data
BBG design
BBG designs
BBG facts
BBG healthcare
BBG hair and beauty
BBG airways
BBG hall
BBG pack
BBG parts
BBG grade-paving
BBG grade
BBG 2022
BBG rsa
BBG Travel
BBG talk
BBG tax
BBG cartage
BBG vantage
BBG vest
BBG wealth
BBG youth