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Abbreviations or Acronyms for EB include:
Electric Bike
Electric Boat
Electrical Box
Eagle Bait
Ear Buds
Early Birds
East Bank
East Bay
East Bernard
Easter Bunny
Eastern Bar
Ebert & Baumann Consulting Engineers
Echo Base
Echt Blöd
Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley
Ed Baker
Eddie Bauer
Eddie Brown, football player
Edible Bean
Editorial Board
Edmund Bolton
Education Building
Elder Beerman
Electrode Barrier
Electroluminescent Blue
Electron Binding
Electronic Ballast
Electronic Beam
Electronic Book
Electronic Boutique
Electronic Boutique
Electronic Business
Electronics Boutique
Electronics Boutique
Element Buffer
Elizabeth Barrett
Elongated Boner
Elwyn Brooks
Elyse Beth
Emergency Box
Emotional Baggage
Emotional Buzz
Empirical Bayesian
Employment Based
Encyclopaedia Britannica
End of Block
Energetic Barrier
Energiser Bunny
Energizer Bunny
Energy Bullets
Enforcement Bureau
Engine Block
Enhanced Bandwidth
Environmental Burden
Epidermolysis Bullosa
Eric Berens
Eric Blair
Erickson & Brooks
Error Bell
Etienne Brule
Etorre Buggatti
Eugene Belton
European Boy
Euskal Batasuna
Excellent Base
Exchangeable Bond
Executive Board
Expanded Basic
Experimental Breeding
Exploration Bureau
Extended Bass
External Background
External Beam
Extra Bandwidth
Extra Bedroom
Extra Bits
Eye Ball
Potential uses of
eb chemicals
eb engineering
eb group
eb logistics
eb africa
eb construction
eb developments
eb law
eb accountants
eb associates
eb agencies
eb security
eb tactical
eb water
eb marketing
eb joinery
eb visual
eb productions
eb therapy
eb wholesalers
eb sales
eb solutions
eb systems
eb accommodation
eb business
eb beauty salon
eb coaching
eb executive search
eb capital
eb aluminium
eb data
eb design
eb designs
eb facts
eb healthcare
eb hair and beauty
eb airways
eb hall
eb pack
eb parts
eb grade-paving
eb grade
eb 2022
eb sa
eb talk
eb tax
eb cartage
eb vantage
eb vest
eb wealth
eb youth